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María Pilar Vásquez

Panama Office

Degree in Law and Political Science from the Santa María la Antigua University, Panama.  Additionally, she has Postgraduate studies in Commercial Law with Cum Laude degree, a Master’s Degree in Business Law with Cum Laude degree, both from the Latin American University of Science and Technology of Panama; and Diploma in International Arbitration from the School of International Arbitration Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá.

She has been a practicing lawyer since 1996, at the beginning she held public positions in the Public Defender’s Office and in the Judicial Branch of the Republic of Panama; after that, she opted for private practice, and is a specialist in Corporate Law, Real Estate, Wealth Management, Commercial and Civil litigation. Also, she counts with vast experience and recognized prestige in National and International Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation, belonging to the list of arbitrators of different institutions of Panama; likewise she holds positions in the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) as President of the Arbitration Commission, is honorary president of the Spanish Arbitration Club Panamanian chapter and is secretary of the board of directors of the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Panama. National and international speaker on arbitration and mediation issues. Spanish and English languages.

Olga Martínez

Spain Office

Law degree from the University of Seville, title validated by the University of Panama as equivalent to a Law and Political Science degree. She also has an Executive Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the Francisco de Victoria University in Madrid, and from the University of Senior Management in Panama. She is a practicing lawyer and member of the Seville Bar Association.

She has more than 17 years of proven experience both in court and in advising companies and individuals. She is an expert in Commercial, Civil and Real Estate Law and specialized in conflict negotiation.

Likewise, since 10 years ago her bidirectional experience in business and investments between Spain and Latin America, and in companies internationalization stands out, with high specialization in international taxation and in the application of Agreements to avoid double taxation and in immigration matters. Spanish Language.

Carlos Iván Guardia

Panama Office

Degree in Law and Political Science from Santa María La Antigua University, Panama. He has a Master’s degree in Commercial Law with a Magna Cum Laude degree, a Master’s degree in Procedural Law with a Magna Cum Laude degree, both from the Interamerican University of Panama; and, a Diploma in Criminal Law with mention in crime theory, from the Institute of Legal Study and Research of Nicaragua.

He has been practicing litigation since 2017, dedicating himself to civil, commercial and criminal proceedings. He has experience in Constitutional law, specifically in Protection of Guarantees plaints, at the level of Superior Courts and Plenary of the Supreme Court. Spanish and English languages.

Juan Junquera Medina

Oficina España

Master in Law from the University of Cádiz and a Law degree  from the University of Seville. He has Executive training in International Commercial Arbitration by the General Council of Spanish Lawyers in collaboration with ICC, CIAM and CIAR and in Company Law at the Spanish national level. Lawyer in private practice as a member of the Illustrious Bar Association of Jerez and international legal consultant.

Specialist in International Taxation and Commercial Law, he provides solutions to national companies and investors, both national and foreign, and non-residents. He has experience in the creation and management of real estate and renewable energy investment vehicles, including regulatory analysis, legal design, permits and licenses, search and selection of assets in Latin America and Spain, negotiation of real estate acquisitions, preparation of Due Diligences and financing advice. Likewise, in tax matters, he has experience in the application of Agreements to avoid Double Taxation and tax optimization.

Combined with a solid experience in Spanish Criminal Law, he stands out in this matter with an extensive professional career, specializing in economic and corporate crimes, money laundering and tax fraud.

Spanish and English languages.

Abril Arosemena

Panama Office

Degree in Law and Political Science from the University of Panama. Additionally, she has a Master’s degree in Law with a Criminal Sciences specialization, Specialization in Juvenile Criminal Law from the Judicial School, studies in Criminal Procedure Reforms from the Diego Portales University and Justice Studies Centers for the Americas.


She is a practicing attorney with 32 years of experience in the area of ​​law, she has been in private practice for 12 years where she leads criminal litigation; as well as in other areas of law derived from her criminal practice. Her career practice includes family law derived from criminal cases.


Her professional experience began in the Public Ministry where her last position was Anti-Corruption Prosecutor where she also represented the Attorney General’s Office in bills before the National Assembly, mainly on the rights of children and adolescents and  in special processes of youth responsibility.


From 2016 to 2018 she belonged to the Coding Commission of the Code of Constitutional Procedure. Among her professional experience, she also participated as a consultant and trainer of Trainers in the Accusatory System with a project of the MSI-USAID Mexico.


She has been a consultant for the United Nations in different projects where her role was to diagnose Constitutional, Legal and Administrative Regulations of the Children and Adolescents Jurisdiction, with emphasis on Juvenile Criminal Law; as well as rehabilitation programs for adolescent offenders. She has collaborated in studies aimed at determining the current status of the Children and Adolescents Constitutional Rights, Criminal Justice in the country and its comparison with the internal law of other nations and participated with the collaboration of UNICEF in a proposal for the Title Constitutional Law reform that contemplates Childrens, Adolescents and Family rights. She served as a consultant for the completion of the form for police actions in national waters. She was also a consultant for the United Nations Drugs and Crime office.

Spanish and English languages.

Estefanía Zardon

Switzerland Legal Counsel

Degree in Law and Political Science from the Santa María la Antigua University, Panama. Additionally, she has a Master’s degree in International Relations from the

Pontificia Javeriana University, Bogota, Colombia; Postgraduate in Peace and Conflict Research from Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, and Postgraduate in Political Administration and Strategic Communication from the University of Panama, Panama.

She has been a practicing lawyer since 1995, since the beginning of her career she has specialized in Corporate Law, mainly in asset management. She worked in a prestigious law firm in Switzerland, where she directed the wealth administration department, using legal instruments such as companies, foundations and trusts, mainly, but not exclusively, of Panamanian jurisdiction. She also ventured as legal advisor to a Deputy in the National Assembly, specializing in the drafting of bills, reform of Codes and laws of the Republic of Panama, as well as debate and lobbying. Today, several of the bills she worked on are Laws of the Republic of Panama. As today, and due to the restrictions and continuous reforms and pressures at the international level, in order to combat arms trafficking and money laundering, her specialty lies in the creation of legal structures in accordance with national legislation, OECD requirements, and FATCA and CRS standards.

Spanish, English and Italian languages.

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